Yong-Sang Yoo (유용상)
Integrated Candidate / M.S. - Ph.D.

M.S. - Ph.D. Integrated candidate in Computer Vision and Machine Learning, Inha University, Republic of Korea

B.S. Candidate in Computer Science and Engineering, Incheon National University, Republic of Korea

Research Interests : Generative adversarial networks, object detection, image segmentation, machine learning, multi-object tracking and deep learning, action recognition

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- Inha University (Ph.D. in Computer Vision and Machine Learning, 2023.09 - Now)
- Inha University (M.S in Computer Vision and Machine Learning, 2021.09 ~ 2023.08)
- Incheon National University, Korea (B.S. in Computer Science and engineering, 2015.03 ~ 2021.08)


Yong-Sang Yoo received the B.S. degree with the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Incheon National University, South Korea. and he is currently pursuing the M.S. - Ph.D. integrated course degree with the Department of Electric Computer Engineering at Inha University. His current research interests include generative adversarial networks, object detection, image segmentation, machine learning, multi-object tracking and deep learning.

Contact Information

Location : Room #1201, Inha Hi-Tech Center, Inha University, 100 Inha-ro, Michuhol-gu, Incheon 22212, Korea.


생성 모델을 이용한 데이터 프리 양자화를 위한 Bit-width Aware Generator와 채널 어텐션 기반 중간 레이어 지식 증류

Jae-Yong Baek, Dae-Hyeon Park, Yong-Sang Yoo, Du-Hwan Hur, Deok-Woong Kim, Hyuk-Jin Shin and Seung-Hwan Bae*
한국컴퓨터정보학회논문지 pp. 11-20, July, 2024

딥러닝 기반 유도무기 표적 검출에 적합한 지역적/전역적 적외선 이미지 전처리 기법에 관한 연구

Jae-Yong Baek, Dae-Hyeon Park, Yong-Sang Yoo, Du-Hwan Hur, Deok-Woong Kim, Hyuk-Jin Shin and Seung-Hwan Bae*
한국컴퓨터정보학회논문지 pp. 41 - 51, July, 2024

Multi-Source Light Detection with Semi-supervised Learning and Lightness Focal Loss

Yong-Sang Yoo, Jae-Yong Baek, and Seung-Hwan Bae*
제 36회 영상처리 및 이해에 관한 워크샵 pp. 1-6, Feburary, 2024

Data-Free Knowledge Distillation via Hard Sample Generation

Se-Gwon Cheon, Yong-Sang Yoo, and Seung-Hwan Bae*
제 35회 영상처리 및 이해에 관한 워크샵, pp. 1-4, February, 2023
Effective Multi-Object Tracking via Global Object Models and Object Constraint Learning, October, 2022
by Yong-Sang Yoo, Seong-Ho Lee, and Seung-Hwan Bae*
Sensors, October, 2022
효율적인 다중 객체 추적을 위한 다중 전역 모델 및 제한적 모델 업데이트 알고리즘, December, 2021
by Yong-Sang Yoo, Seong-Ho Lee, Dea-Hyeon Park and Seung-Hwan Bae*
2021 한국소프트웨어종합학술대회, Feburary, 2021
적대적 앙상블 학습을 통한 합성 얼굴 이미지 판별, 제33회 영상처리 및 이해에 관한 워크샵, Feburary, 2021
by Yong-Sang Yoo, and Seung-Hwan Bae*
제33회 영상처리 및 이해에 관한 워크샵, Feburary, 2021
Generative Adversarial Ensemble Learning for Face Forensics, IEEE Access, March, 2020, Vol. 8, pp. 45421-45431
by Jae-Yong Baek, Yong-Sang Yoo, and Seung-Hwan Bae*
IEEE Access, March, 2020
DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2968612

Adversarial Learning with Knowledge of Image Classification for Improving GANs, IEEE Access, April, 2019, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 56591-56605
by Jae-Yong Baek, Yong-Sang Yoo, and Seung-Hwan Bae*
IEEE Access, April, 2019
DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2913697

지원기관: 교육부
과제기간: 2022.06.01 ~ 2031.05.31
Status: On-Going
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과제기간: 2022.07.01 ~ 2025.12.31
Status: On-Going
인간처럼 회상이 가능한 인공 신경망 지속학습 플랫폼
지원기관: 과학기술정보통신부
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Status: On-Going
대규모 확장 가능한 On-Vision AI를 위한 E3-AI 네트워크와 협업 학습 연구
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Status: On-Going
BK21플러스 4단계 최종 사업
지원기관: 한국연구재단
과제기간: 2020.09.01 ~ 2027.08.31
Status: On-Going
인공지능융합연구센터 지원사업
지원기관: 정보통신기획평가원
과제기간: 2020.04.01 ~ 2022.12.31
Status: Finished
시각장애인 및 저시력자를 위한 영상기반 주변 안내 기술
지원기관: 과학기술정보통신부
과제기간: 2018.03.01 ~ 2021.02.28
Status: Finished
다중 모델을 결합한 사물 추적 기술 개발
지원기관: 한국전자통신연구원
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Status: Finished
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Status: Finished
보간을 통한 끊김 없는 사물 추적 기술 연구
지원기관: 한국전자통신연구원
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Status: Finished